Member Roles & Organizations

Voting Member Organizations:  Any unit of local government or other governmental subdivisions as hereinabove described in Ramsey County shall be entitled to membership in RCLLG. To remain in good standing as a member and have an appointed seat on the Board of Directors, payment of membership dues is required within three months of the start of the fiscal year.

Members-at-Large:  Any staff person and elected/appointed official from a member organization. Members-at-Large are welcome and encouraged to attend any RCLLG program or event, and participate on a committee or workgroup. Members-at-Large are also welcome to attend RCLLG Board Business Meetings as a non-voting member.

Associate Members:  Any civic organization within Ramsey County, and any present or former elected or appointed government official from within Ramsey County, may be extended the privilege of Associate membership in RCLLG upon payment of dues. Associate members may attend all programs, events and meetings, but shall have no voting rights.

Board of Directors:  Each Member Organization of RCLLG shall appoint in January of each year one elected official and/or one administrator to serve as a Board Member and an Alternate on the Board of Directors for one- year terms. Each Member Organization shall be allowed one vote on all RCLLG matters, to be cast by the Board Member, the Alternate or an appointed proxy. The Board of Directors shall have the following duties:

  • Control and manage the property and assets of RCLLG;
  • Authorize RCLLG expenditures;
  • Direct activities of RCLLG for the general benefit of Member Organizations;
  • Supervise the activities of an administrator/fiscal agent and
  • Inform their organization of the actions of the Board
  • Such other duties as are necessary to the operation of

Meetings of the Board shall be held at least quarterly during the year. The regular meetings of the RCLLG Board of Directors shall consider issues of importance and relevance to the Member Organizations, as well as any other RCLLG business.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is made up of the current elected officers of the Board of Directors. The Officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President and a Treasurer who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote. Officers shall have served on the Board at least one year and be a current member of the Board.

For more details on membership and roles, please refer to the organization’s Bylaws.