2024 AI and Cyber Security Summit Logo

Join us April 23, 2025, in-person or virtually, for the 2025 AI and Cyber Summit at the IBM Innovation Studio in Washington, D.C.

Don’t miss this powerful opportunity to get prepared for where AI and Cyber are heading.

AI is changing what we do and how we do it. With this change comes the need to balance how AI impacts innovation and cybersecurity. The AI and Cyber Summit will explore the intersect of these areas in city and county government operations and service delivery. Throughout the Summit (presented in-person and virtually) local government officials and subject matter experts will dive into the latest trends and share leading practices as we grow the  community of knowledge to keep pace with the rapidly evolving intersection of AI, Cybersecurity and Innovation.


Big, new questions are being raised every day:

AI Symbol surrounded by floating question marks
  • Where are the lines being drawn between robots and humans?
  • Where are those lines beginning to blur?
  • How do we know what tools to purchase for our needs?
  • How do we know what questions to ask?
  • Looking ahead, how do we manage costs, complexity, and sustainability?
  • What is the cost/benefit of new AI technology?
  • What governance and policy issues should we be planning for?

At the Summit, we will be convening local government officials, the private sector, and academia to explore AI and Cyber topics like these together. We’ll step into the intersection where artificial intelligence and security meet. Leading AI and Cyber experts will guide our conversations, share the latest industry/technology news, and drive awareness on these two critical topics.

Training at the 2025 AI and Cyber Summit will include…

Managing real-time data and information

AI in relation to threat response


Using AI as a communication tool with stakeholders

AI governance and policy development


Attendees will get to tour the IBM X-Force Cyber Range where immersive simulations guide teams through realistic breach scenarios, helping ensure they can respond and recover from enterprise-level cyber security incidents, manage vulnerabilities, and build a stronger security culture in their organizations.

IBM Innovation Studio logo

IBM Innovation Studio
600 14th Street NW, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20005



Wednesday, Aril 23, 2025 (All times are Eastern Daylight Time)
8:00 to 8:30 am Registration, Coffee, Pastries
8:30 to 9:00 am

Welcome and Summit Overview

  • Alan Shark | Executive Director | Public Technology Institute
  • Margie Graves | Senior Fellow | IBM Center for the Business of Government | Former CIO
9:00 to 9:45 am

Panel Discussion: The Intersection of AI, Cybersecurity, and Innovation: Opportunities & Challenges
We kick off the Summit with a panel discussion on how these three areas are interconnected, with a focus on developing better understanding of the human and machine partnership, how AI can be used as a tool for cyber defense, AI as a cyber threat, how cybersecurity and AI impacts innovation, and a fairly new concern on the radar of tech leaders: the rise and risk of shadow AI.

  • Facilitator: Dr. Alan Shark | Executive Director | PTI
  • Elizabeth Di Bene | CISO | Loudoun County, VA
  • Robert Reynolds | CIO | Orange County, NC
  • James Globe | Vice President, Strategic Advisor Cybersecurity Capabilities | MS-ISAC
  • Mark Harman | Senior Consulting Engineer | Juniper Networks
9:45 to 10:00 am Networking and Email Break
10:00 to 10:20 am

Zero-trust Meets AI

  • Mohamed Ahmed | IBM Fellow, AI & Cognitive Computing | US Federal Business Transformation Services
10:30 to 10:50 am

Case in Point: AI to Deliver Improved Business Outcomes While Maintaining a Strong Security Posture
Fairfax County, VA uses generative AI within the county government with a focus on improving employee efficiency and delivering improved business outcomes while maintaining rigorous security standards. County officials will share how they developed guidelines and best practices for responsible uses for generative AI, to include working with vendors to ensure they have responsible AI use policies and other strategies to mitigate risk.


  • Charles Gore | IT Security Program Director | Fairfax County, VA
  • Maura M. Power | Director of Business Applications, Data, & AI | Fairfax County, VA
11:00 to 11:50 am

IBM X-Force Cyber Range: Preparing for a Real-world Cyber Incident – A Simulation Sampler

(In-person attendees only. Space is limited)

The IBM X-Force Cyber Range is designed to provide immersive simulations that guide participants through realistic breach scenarios, helping ensure they can respond and recover from enterprise-level cyber security incidents, manage vulnerabilities, and build a stronger security culture in their organizations. During this brief exercise IBM facilitators will guide participants through a simulated cyber crisis with the goal of helping you gain a greater understanding of best practices and tactics for responding to a breach.

Note: Pre-registration is required to participate in this simulation. (Separate item on registration form.) Participation is limited to the first 35 attendees who sign up for the simulation. The simulation takes 45 minutes.

11:00 to 11:50 am

Non-Cyber Range and Virtual Participants

Open Discussion: AI and Cyber Training – Best Practices

This facilitated discussion provides an opportunity for Summit participants to share what is working, and what is not, when it comes to AI and cyber training for staff and elected leaders, and to share use cases. What have we learned since our first Summit last year?

12 noon to 12:50 pm Lunch and Innovation Playground
Attendees will have the opportunity to experience hands-on demonstrations of AI and security tools and solutions presented by our Summit host, IBM. These include mapping, generative AI, cloud books, customer care and chat bots, Quantum, hybrid cloud, and fraud detection.
1:00 to 1:20 pm

Keynote Presentation

Cyber Warfare 2025: Generative AI Mitigating Threats & Planning for High Impact Risks

In the world today, rapid diffusion and adoption of emerging technologies, including Generative AI, is accelerating innovation, improving customer satisfaction, streamlining operations, and reducing costs. But the adversary is also leveraging Generative AI to increase the attack surface and sophistication of cyber-attacks. Traditionally, organizations utilize probabilities in attempts to quantify risk, then determine policy, governance, & cybersecurity initiatives for risk mitigation or risk reduction. The adversary has no such constraints in using Generative AI to conduct attacks against your organization or directly attack your Generative AI applications. What are these serious threats and potentially catastrophic impact risks to the organization? What can you do? In this session we will review ideas for high impact and worst-case scenario analysis and recommend savvy ways to utilize AI to defend your organization against cyberthreats. Prepare for battle!


  • Micki Boland | Lead Technologist | Check Point Software Technologies Office of the CTO
1:30 to 1:50 pm

 AI Policies, Guidelines, Penalties and Enforcement: Where to Begin?

  • Margie Graves | Senior Fellow, IBM Center for the Business of Government | IBM | Former Deputy CIO
  • Barry Condrey | Director of Technology Services | PTI
2:00 to 2:20 pm

Understanding Open and Closed AI

  • Jason Prow | Senior Partner | IBM
2:30 to 2:50 pm

Case in Point: Augmenting AI for Citizen Engagement and Communications – Monty 2.0
Monty 2.0 is a multi-lingual Chatbot powered by ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence and designed to answer non-emergency questions and provide information about Montgomery County, MD and the services that are available to residents. County officials will provide an overview of Monty 2.0 since its launch in the spring of 2024 to include lessons learned and what the future holds for Monty.


  • Shayna Taqi | Chief Change Officer | Office of Change Management, Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions | Montgomery County, MD
2:50 to 3:00 pm Networking Break
3:00 to 3:20 pm

The Critical Role of Data Governance & Management as Part of Your AI Strategy


  • Bridget Deary | Partner | Automation & Data Platforms | IBM
  • Darryl Polk | Director of Education | PTI
3:20 to 3:45 pm

Panel Discussion: Where are AI and Cyber Headed?
As we have heard throughout the Summit, AI plays a crucial role to identify and mitigate cyber threats – think AI as a tool or resource. Effective policies and enforcement on how AI is being deployed within the organization as a productivity tool will help to mitigate cyber risks – think Shadow AI. Taken together – AI and Cyber – poses great potential and risk. This discussion will explore five trends that help tech leaders prepare for the future.

  • Facilitator: Dr. Alan Shark | Executive Director | PTI
  • Vanetta Pledger | CIO and Director of Technology Services | City of Alexandria, VA
  • Darryl Polk | Director of Education | PTI
  • Dr. Joshua Franzel | Senior Executive & Director of Research & Data Analysis | National League of Cities
Concluding Remarks
4:00 pm Networking Reception

10 reasons to join us in April

  1. Explore AI and Cyber governance and policy issues
  2. Learn about emerging technologies
  3. Address AI’s role in Cyber and threat response
  4. Hear from private sector experts and leaders
  5. Ask questions and unlock answers
  6. Prioritize data protection for your community
  7. Discuss data governance and classification
  8. Understand the practical implications of an AI/Cyber intersection
  9. Get your AI and Cyber house in order for today and the future
  10. Connect and network with other IT leaders from across the U.S.!

Register today to join us in-person or virtually for these important conversations.


Thank you to our Gold Sponsor, Cyware!

Thank you to our Program Sponsor, CIS!

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