GOVIT Hub 365
From Public Technology Institute…

What the Rising Costs of AI Means for Government
Despite some fatigue, artificial intelligence continues to grow into almost every product and service used by all levels of government. The possibilities are exciting, and a growing majority of public employees admit to using AI tools for enhanced productivity and to...
The Dawn of AIoE: Artificial Intelligence of Everything
Cisco coined the term Internet of Everything in 2013 and later expanded it to the Internet of Things. While IoT focuses on the connectivity between devices, IoE encompasses a broader scope, including devices, people, processes and data — all interconnected to create...
AI fatigue
This blog is a repost from As if out of nowhere, artificial intelligence is everywhere and found in everything. It is in all our electronics, from the latest laptop and software offerings to cars, washing machines and smart robotic vacuum cleaners....
CrowdStrike Debacle Underlines Single Point of Failure Risk
This blog is a repost from COMMENTARY | As our dependency on technology and energy increases, state and local leaders need to take a hard look at their disaster recovery and business plans. At the height of the summer travel season last month,...
AI and the power of intelligent voice
This blog is a repost from COMMENTARY: The new category in artificial intelligence, conversational AI, has governments captivated. Here are some of the ways they are thinking of using AI-powered voice communications. In its day, the company Voice...
Identifying and mitigating third-party IT risks
This blog is a repost from COMMENTARY: Transparency, accountability and collaboration with vendors can help agencies reduce the risks associated with third-party contracting. Having just started a new job as chief technology officer at a well-run...
Local Governments Are Developing Early AI Use Cases, CIOs Say
This blog is a repost from A Public Technology Institute conference panel expressed concerns about employee skills and funding. Local government CIOs agreed that artificial intelligence has great potential for staff augmentation but noted that...
A glimpse at the ‘human-machine partnership’
This blog is a repost from Lots has been said about the ways in which artificial intelligence may augment employees’ work. But first, local governments will need to successfully manage the learning curve. When Tempe, Arizona, released its policy last...
New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Governments
This blog is a repost from The Attorney General signed a final rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The final rule has specific requirements about how to ensure that web content and mobile applications...
New Book: Artificial Intelligence – A Primer for State and Local Governments: Everything You Need to Know Since Yesterday
Find the Kindle book on Amazon Find the Paperback book on Barnes & Noble This primer was designed to serve as a comprehensive guide for state and local government officials, employees, and policymakers seeking to understand and leverage AI's potential. We delve...
AI and the essential role of data classification and governance
This blog is a repost from American City & County. In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscapes of various sectors, its implementation in the public sector stands out for its potential to enhance efficiency, decision-making, and service...
The chief artificial intelligence officer: A blueprint for state and local government?
This blog is a repost from American City & County. Late last year the White House issued an Executive Order (EO) on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. On page 52 of the 66-page document, the EO called for each federal...
State and Local CIOs Expect AI to Benefit Digital Services
This blog is a repost from State Tech Magazine. Artificial intelligence is very much top of mind for state and local government CIOs, and they may well examine how AI can accelerate digital services for citizens, note the National Association of State Chief...
Overcoming CIO irrelevance
This blog is a repost from American City & County. Being the leader of the IT organization has never been easy, whether one’s title is director of information services or chief information officer (CIO). Some senior managers have come to question the relevancy of the...
National Tech Leadership Credential Programs Now Accepting Applications
This nationally recognized program equips government technology professionals with the requisite tools to improve and demonstrate your leadership skills to best manage your organization. Certified Government Chief Information Officer (CGCIO™) Program Addressing...
2023 Local Government Cybersecurity National Survey
Local officials have spent the past year digesting the details of the federal government’s State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP). In fiscal year 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is providing $374.9 million to address cybersecurity...
What’s Trending: AI in Local Government – PTI Survey Results
With so much conversation about Artificial Intelligence as the next “big thing” in local government IT, Public Technology Institute wanted to gain a better understanding on how city and county IT executives view AI. PTI surveyed local government IT executives on the...
PTI Commentary: Making Government AI-Ready Begins with an AI-Ready Workforce
This blog is a repost from American City & Country Written by Dr. Alan R. Shark. There has been much talk about having an AI-ready workforce, yet there seems to be more focus on the need than on how we can achieve this. We also know that artificial intelligence...
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)—Project or Program?
This blog is a repost from American City & Country Written by Dr. Alan R. Shark. To anyone outside of tech, the term ERP might suggest something akin to ESP—extra sensory perception. Whether ERP is a noun, verb or adjective, the acronym represents an arduous but...
2023 State of City and County IT National Survey
By PTI - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - This is the 10th year that the Public Technology Institute (PTI) has conducted the State of City and County IT National Survey. Every year, including 2023, cybersecurity/data loss prevention has ranked as the number one priority for local...
Cybersecurity and Elected Leaders
By PTI - HOW A RANSOMWARE ATTACK IMPACTS YOU - Local governments are prime targets for a ransomware attack. Every day your government’s IT systems are probed by individuals and organizations looking for a weakness, an opportunity to gain entry to your computer systems...
Ensuring Broadband Digital Equity and Digital Inclusion in your Community
By PTI HOW ELECTED LEADERS CAN LEAD THE CONVERSATION The need to expand public accessibility to the internet—for work, education, connecting to government and health care providers—has become all too apparent over the last two years. Access to high-speed, reliable,...
Zero trust is a great strategy but a terrible name
This blog is a repost from American City & Country Written by Dr. Alan R. Shark The monthly town hall meeting was going well until they got to the agenda item called “zero trust.” What was to be a routine request for additional funding to implement a zero-trust...