Citizen experience a priority for Minnesota’s CIO

This blog is a repost from Minnesota Chief Information Officer Tarek Tomes told StateScoop at a technology conference on Monday that his agency is leading the consumer and resident experience areas of a gubernatorial plan to improve the lives of all...

Georgia IT agency upskills staff with technical college partnership

This blog is a repost from Georgia Chief Information Officer Shawnzia Thomas told StateScoop at a technology conference on Tuesday that the state’s relationship with a local technical college system has helped upskill her current staff and prepare the...

Taming Dragons: A CIO’s Guide to Harnessing Technology

This blog is a repost from Condrey and Associates. While attending a Chief Information Officer leadership event in 2022, I heard Darryl Polk (CIO, Riverside, CA) use a phrase that stuck with me. He said something to the effect of “technologies are like dragons,...

2024: 12 predictions for cities and counties (AI stars in all)

This blog is a repost from American City & County. Once again, it is that time of the year when we dust off our digital crystal balls and develop predictions for the year ahead. This year’s predictions are remarkably different with far-reaching implications. And...

Cyber insecurity, AI and the rise of the CISO

This blog is a repost from American City & County. October is Cybersecurity Awareness month, and a time to reflect on what is new. Based on the Public Technology Institute’s (PTI) latest Cyber Survey of Cities and Counties, it comes as no surprise that cyber...