Tips to Ask for Professional Development Funds

Tips to Ask for Professional Development Funds

Whether your organization has plenty of funds set aside for professional development opportunities or not, it can still be a difficult ask. It may come with an over complicated process of forms and layers of approval, or it could be as simple as asking your...
Delete, Unsubscribe, Unsubscribe, Forward!

Delete, Unsubscribe, Unsubscribe, Forward!

By Joe Sheeran, Fusion Learning Partners Board Member The pandemic’s early isolation starved this extrovert of human contact so much that I was signing up almost daily for the virtual professional development/training sessions flooding my inbox. After a few events, I...
Fusion Board Feature: Jackie Aman

Fusion Board Feature: Jackie Aman

Fusion Board Feature: Jackie Aman Tell us more about your work at Wilder Research and what you do there, as well as some of your background. “I’m a research scientist at Wilder Research. Essentially we work with organizations and state agencies and other government...
Fusion Staff Feature: Chris Kohn

Fusion Staff Feature: Chris Kohn

Find out more about Christopher Kohn our Sponsorship & Tradeshow Manager! How long have you been working at Fusion? I started with Fusion in February, 2019. Where are you from and where are you currently? I grew up in eastern Wisconsin, but have lived most of my...